When the Earth Shakes

Drop Cover and Hold On!

We're Hiring

carbon monoxide poisoning

know the symptoms

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

on Bainbridge Island

Make Smoke Alarms Work for You!

Are you prepared for an Earthquake

Welcome to the Bainbridge Island Fire Department

Live Weather Station

View current Bainbridge Island weather information Here

Outdoor Burning Regulations

Understanding outdoor burning regulations and burn ban restrictions in our community can be confusing.  Everything you need to know

Wildfire Risk Reduction & Mitigation

Many of us on Bainbridge Island live in or near forested areas. Dry summer weather and lack of rainfall bring danger from wildfire to those homes. Evaluate the risk of losing your home to wildfire before it strikes, and take appropriate steps to protect your home and family. Learn more

Your Home Can Survive a Wildfire

Learn more

Current Employment Opportunity

The Bainbridge Island Fire Department has an immediate opening for a Human Resources Manager. Learn more

To Report an Emergency Call 9-1-1

The Bainbridge Island Fire Department's Board of Commissioners' regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2025, has been CANCELED

Burn Ban: None

What does LOW danger mean?

LOW:  When the fire danger is "low" it means that fuels do not ignite easily from small embers, but a more intense heat source, such as lightning, may start fires in duff or dry rotten wood.  Fires in open, dry grasslands may burn easily a few hours after a rain, but most wood fires will spread slowly, creeping or smoldering. Control of fires is generally easy.